May 28, 2023 Visualization - Creating a Guided Writing Bubble

May 28, 2023 Visualization - Creating a Guided Writing Bubble

Last week, I talked about the importance of writing daily. But how do you get into the habit of writing? One way is to visualize . Eric Maisel gave the process of visualization in his book “A Life in the Arts”. I am recounting that process here for you to use to get into the mood to write.

VISUALIZATION: Commitment to Guided Writing

(from Eric Maisel’s “A Life in the Arts”)


Relax now. Seat yourself comfortably. Close your eyes and go deep inside  yourself. Breathe easily and deeply-in and out, in and out. Maintain the sort of awareness you might keep on a journey.


When you feel ready, go back, far back, thousands of years back, back to the dawn of humankind.


Notice that every generation had to rear children in order for you to be here today. See those generations, those parents and children, in all parts of the world, speaking their different languages.


Feel life in the caves, in the deserts, on the plains. See all that human spirit, that human activity, in all its richness and all its poverty-the pettiness along with the splendor; the hatreds, the fears, the superstitions; and the love, that which has always been luminous and profound.


Now move toward the present, into this century, into the line of your own family, your own times. Begin to feel your own personal history, visions from your childhood.


Come closer to the present. Put no labels on who you are. You are not man, woman, wife, husband, actor, painter, but a human being on a journey. Connect your journey to the journeys of all men and women, and approach the present moment.


Imagine the journey continuing in ways that excite and exhilarate you-in ways as rich as your grandest dreams, in ways that make use of your being, that support your sense of aliveness, that challenge and invigorate you.


Feel the journey continuing. Commit to it continuing. Commit to your mission.


When you feel the reality of this commitment in your body-in your heart, in your stomach-open your eyes and proceed with your guided writing work.

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May 23, 2023 Guided Writing

May 23, 2023 Guided Writing