


I have taken a break from writing my blog due to a personal tragedy. This event brought me to a state of asking questions about my existence.

We all ask questions about the life we are living. Am I creative? Am I succeeding? Does my life have meaning? We need to control the types of questions we ask.

Learn to ask empowering questions. First, learn the difference between empowering and disempowering questions. Empowering questions move you toward creativity, love, joy and problem solving. Disempowering questions rob you of the ability to face problems and find creative answers. They put you in a state of hopelessness and loss. Try starting your day with morning questions that put you in a positive and winning frame of mind.

Start your day by asking:

·        What am I happy about in my life?

·        What am I proud of?

·        What am I grateful for?

·        Who loves me and who do I love?

When you finish your morning questions, take action to follow through with taking control and increasing the quality of your life. I am doing that now.



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